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E-vignette transfer

If the title to the motor vehicle is transferred by the owner, or the contract giving rise to its use expires (e.g. wreck, theft), the authorisation of road use may be transferred to another vehicle of the same vehicle category.

In case of motorway vignette transfer, please contact the Customer Service of the National Toll Payment Services PLC directly:

Phone: +36 (36) 587-500

Required documents To transfer the vehicle registration place (licence plate), the following are required:

  • counterfoil received at purchase (or the confirmation message);
  • the vehicle registration certificate of the new vehicle to prove that the vehicle category of the new vehicle is the same as that of the previous vehicle;
  • a document demonstrating the sale of the vehicle confirmed by the Capital (district office of the Budapest) and County Government Office, or a document demonstrating the lapse of any other legal relationship enabling the use of the vehicle or a private deed of full probative value proving the termination of the legal relationship enabling the use of the vehicle (the notification of change of owner or operator of the vehicle through the Citizen Portal may be verified by presenting the relevant electronic confirmation message or decision)

It is advisable to settle the issue of the motorway vignette of the vehicle involved in the sales contract in order to avoid future cases of fining and to help clarify them. The vignette may also be transferred if the petitioner conclusively demonstrates that he is entitled to make a statement simultaneously with regard to both vehicles concerned in the transfer, presents the counterfoil or confirmation message proving the purchase and pays the service fee.

What kind of vignettes can be transferred?

After the start of the validity period, only monthly and annual e-vignettes may be transferred (a regional vignette may be transferred to another vehicle, but the county may not be changed); weekly authorisations can only be transferred before the validity period.

If the two vehicles involved in the transfer fall into different vehicle categories; please note that the difference of vehicle category difference must be paid for the entire duration of validity period.

Change of vehicle registration plate

The procedure is governed by the provisions on transfer, with the addition that the petitioner shall demonstrate the fact that the vehicle registration plate has been changed. If the universal change of registration plates, regardless of the country of the owner or the registration, is required by the law, the transfer of the authorisation shall be free of charge.


If the motor vehicle has been stolen or wrecked, the Customer Service office of NTPS PLC shall issue a new counterfoil certifying the purchase of the authorisation for the same vehicle category and validity period as the previous one, on presentation of the relevant certificate issued by the police or the insurance company.

Correction of wrong vehicle category / category change

In case the vehicle category has been incorrectly established, it is possible to change the vehicle category to the correct category specified in the Toll Decree within the Customer Service office of NTPS PLC after the payment or reclaim of the corresponding tariff difference. The counterfoil (or the confirmation message) demonstrating the purchase of an authorisation and the vehicle registration certificate of the vehicle must be presented during the procedure. The new vehicle registration plate registered to the appropriate vehicle category must be identical to the original vehicle registration plate entered in the vehicle registration certificate. The correction of the vehicle category subsequent to the imposition of a fine shall not relieve the operator or owner of the liability to pay the fine or fine difference already imposed.

Wrong registration / licence plate

In case of wrong vehicle registration plate – up to a difference of 3 characters – the registration plate may be modified and the right registration plate may be entered at the Customer Service office of the NTPS PLC by means provided by the NTPS PLC within 60 days of the starting date of validity of the road use authorisation or within 60 days of the receipt of the payment notice on account of the incorrectly entered registration plate. The registration certificate of the motor vehicle and the and the counterfoil (or confirmation message) demonstrating the purchase of the authorisation must be presented during the procedure. After the change, the authorisation shall apply to the modified vehicle registration plate for the entire duration of the validity period. No service fee shall be charged for changing a vehicle registration plate due to confusing the characters ‘0’ (zero, number) and ‘O’ (o, letter).

Wrong country code

If a wrong country code has been provided, it is possible to register the correct country code at the Customer Service office of NTPS PLC. The registration certificate of the motor vehicle and the and the counterfoil (or confirmation message) demonstrating the purchase of the authorisation must be presented during the procedure. In this case, the authorisation shall be valid for the modified country code for the entire validity period.

Verification of existing authorisations

If the counterfoil or confirmation message proving the purchase of the authorisation is destroyed, lost or damaged, verification of the existing authorisation may be requested. In order to receive the verification, the registration certificate of the motor vehicle shall be presented at the Customer Service Office of NTPS PLC. A certificate may be issued only for the vehicle registration plate and validity period indicated in the vehicle registration certificate.

Double purchase

If several authorisations have been purchased for the same vehicle for partly or entirely the same period, the customer may request to buy the unnecessary authorisation. If the starting dates or validity periods of the authorisations are not identical, buyback is only possible if the validity period of the authorisation with a later starting date has not yet started or, if it has already started, the other authorisation was valid throughout the whole elapsed period.


Customers may also request to buy back road use authorisation at the Customer Service Offices of NTPS PLC. In order to do so, they need to present the registration certificate of the motor vehicle and submit the counterfoil received on purchase or present the confirmation message. If the validity period has already started, the authorisation may only be bought back if a shorter validity period authorisation covering the period from the start of validity to the time of the buyback is purchased for the specific motor vehicle. Regional vignettes may not be bought back after the start of the validity period.

The following payment methods are available at the Customer Service Offices of NTPS PLC.