EUR = 397.9 HUF
HUF (Ft)
EUR (€)
CZK (Kč)
RON (leu)
PLN (zł)

Toll road network

With a few exceptions, Hungarian motorways and expressways may not be used without vignettes. A fee, entitlement is to be paid for the electronic motorway vignette, typically before entering the motorway.

Toll enforcement is done by the National Toll Payment Services PLC using fixed cameras, mobile toll control units and mobile stop units. The length of the toll road network in the e-vignette system is 1,750 km.

The e-vignette must be purchased before entering the expressway, yet it is important to know that road users have 60 minutes from the entry to purchase road use authorisation. The grace period was introduced to protect bona fide users from being fined for mistakenly entering toll roads.

Regional vignettes are always valid up to the first exit after the county border. Check out county maps for the validity of specific e-vignettes. For the sake of clarity, toll and toll-free expressways are marked separately on the maps: red indicates toll roads in the county, while roads highlighted in green mark the ones that are free of charge.

Bács-Kiskun vármegyeBaranya vármegyeBékés vármegyeBorsod-Abaúj-Zemplén vármegyeCsongrád-Csanád vármegyeFejér vármegyeGyőr-Moson-Sopron vármegyeHajdú-Bihar vármegyeHeves vármegyeJász-Nagykun-Szolnok vármegyeKomárom-Esztergom vármegyePest vármegyeSomogy vármegyeSzabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg vármegyeTolna vármegyeVas vármegyeVeszprém vármegyeZala vármegye

National map of toll road network

Click to see the zoomable map in a new window.

Map of Hungarian toll road network