D2 e-vignette | Annual 2025 — Pre-purchase! Valid: 2025-01-01 - 2026-01-31 23:59
A - Austria
CZ - Czech Republic
D - Germany
GB - United Kingdom
H - Hungary
PL - Poland
RO - Romania
SK - Slovakia
A - Austria
AL - Albania
AND - Andorra
B - Belgium
BG - Bulgaria
BIH - Bosnia-Herzegovina
BY - Belarus
CH - Switzerland
CZ - Czech Republic
D - Germany
DK - Denmark
E - Spain
EST - Estonia
F - France
FIN - Finland
FL - Liechtenstein
GB - United Kingdom
GR - Greece
H - Hungary
HR - Croatia
I - Italy
IRL - Ireland
IS - Iceland
L - Luxembourg
LT - Lithuania
LV - Latvia
M - Malta
MC - Monaco
MD - Moldova
MK - North Macedonia
MNE - Montenegro
N - Norway
NL - Netherlands
P - Portugal
PL - Poland
RO - Romania
RSM - San Marino
RUS - Russia
S - Sweden
SK - Slovakia
SLO - Slovenia
SRB - Serbia
TR - Turkey
UA - Ukraine
USA - United States
V - Vatican City
RKS - Kosovo
The country where the vehicle is registered.
Please enter the registration number without hyphens.
Please enter the registration number without hyphens.
Please check it!